Preparing Your Home For Summer

‘A stitch in time saves nine’ may be an old adage but it is valuable in modern times too. If you are planning a home improvement in Toronto next season there are several attributes that you should consider before embarking on the project. With most of the snow has melted and the sun shining, it is time to take stock and get your home ready for the change in season. This is also the time when you can safely and conveniently inspect your windows, doors, gutters, and pipes to see if the colder months have done any damage to them. 

We have collated some useful tips to help you transition into the warmer days without major surprises. 

  1. Cleaning the gutters

Possibly, you cleaned the gutters before the snow started hitting and if you have done this, you may not see much of a buildup that needs removal. But, you should ensure that everything is draining out properly and no ice is stuck in the middle. If you do suspect any ice build-up or lumps, you can get some de-icer or pellets to clear them. Check the base of the gutters for any debris buildup and clear them if need be. 

  • Check the integrity of the foundation

The foundation of your home may suffer from cracks depending on the age of the structure. After all the snow has melted away, you can walk around your home and take a close look at the foundation to spot water pooling and/or cracks. If water pooling is noticed it can be cleared, but simultaneously you should check the corresponding interior areas to ensure that there are no residual damages. You can also get help from a home improvement Toronto agency for one or more of these tasks. 

  • Check the Roof

Winter storms can damage roofs even when they are relatively new and therefore it is desirable to check out everything once all the snow has melted away. Check for cracked or missing shingles, and see if the spouts and vents have suffered any damage or clogging. After the inspection and repairs if needed, ensure that all growth and moss are scraped off with a pick or shovel. 

  • Check for leaking pipes

Toronto winter can be harsh for the pipes and can lead to cracks. Pipes that you have used regularly through the winter days should be fine. But those pipes which have been dormant through most part of the winter will need careful checking. You should remove any heating elements or covers and inspect the pipes physically for cracks and check the abutting area for any water damage. If you find everything ok turn on the faucet and allow the water to run for a while. After closing the faucet check again for any signs of damage.

Apart from the above, there are other measures you need to take so that the summer days do not give you any surprises, particularly during the wild storms that visit us at least once across the season. Here are some of the additional areas you should check when the sun is still shining bright. Getting a professional home renovation Toronto agency to inspect your home is a desirable measure, but for homeowners keen on taking the DIY route, here is a checklist. 

  • Air-conditioning and heating systems
  • Insulation on the attic, roof, floor, and/or walls
  • Electrical systems
  • Ceilings, walls, and floors for water damage and moisture
  • Doors and windows
  • Basement, foundation, and other structural components for water damage and cracks.

Some homeowners may have a copy of an earlier home inspection report and it would be a great idea to update this report with notes when you are checking your home for the upcoming summer. 

  • Benefits of home inspections by professionals

If you have never got a professional home inspection done ever since you moved into the present home, it would be desirable to get it done before the summer arrives, particularly if the last inspection was over 10 years ago. You can contact a home improvement Toronto agency or a home remodeling and redesigning agency for help in this regard.

Armed with their training, professional home inspectors can identify potential problems in their early stages before they become a major threat to your home involving expensive repairs. Qualified home inspectors will do a thorough inspection and create a detailed report of your home with suggestions on what needs to be upgraded and areas that call for immediate attention.       

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